Complex Sentences

To form a Complex Sentence by combining two or more than two Simple Sentences.
दो या दो से अधिक Simple Sentences को मिलाकर एक Complex Sentence बनाना ।

There are three types to make Complex Sentence.
यह तीन प्रकार से बनाये जाते है ।
1. Noun Clause   2. Adjective Clause   3. Adverb Clause

Rule 1. Noun Clause का प्रयोग करके (Using Noun Clause) :
Noun Clause can be used by five types.
Noun Clause का प्रयोग पाँच प्रकार से किया जा सकता है ।
a ) Subject to a verb
Separate - You are a doctor. It is known to all.
Combined -  That you are a doctor, is known to all.
b ) Object to a verb
Separate - Gaurav is a smart boy. Every teacher knows it.
Combined - Every teacher knows that Gaurav is a smart boy.
c ) Object to a preposition
Separate - We told you yesterday. You must rely on it.
Combined - You must rely on what we told you yesterday.
d ) Complement to a verb
Separate - Kanika has failed in the examination. The reason is her carelessness.
Combined - The reason of Kanika's failure in the examination is that she is careless.
e ) Case in apposition to a noun
Separate - Indira Gandhi was shot dead. The news spread all over the country like a wild fire.
Combined - The news, that Indira Gandhi was shot dead, spread all over the country like a wild fire.

Rule 2. Adjective Clause का प्रयोग करके (Using Adjective Clause) :
If, in the second sentence, something is said about the Noun or Pronoun of first sentence then make Adjective Clause of second sentence.
यदि एक वाक्य में आये हुए Noun या Pronoun के लिए दूसरे वाक्य में कोई बात कही गयी हो, तो दूसरे वाक्य का Adjective Clause बना देते है ।
Examples :
a) Separate - Pranav brought a book. It was very interesting.
Combined -Pranav brought a book which was very interesting.
b) Separate - This is the town. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born here.
Combined - This is the town where Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born.
c) Separate - A man came to me yesterday. He was blind.
Combined - A man came to me yesterday who was blind.
d) Separate - She was weeping for some reason. Everyone knew the reason.
Combined - Everyone knew the reason why she was weeping.
Note : Adjective Clause forms using Relative Pronoun or Relative Adverb. It should be placed nearby the word which is going to be attributed.
नोट : Adjective Clause किसी Relative Pronoun (whose, who, that, which, whom) या किसी Relative Adverb (why, when, where, how) से बनता है । इन शब्दों को, जिसकी विशेषता प्रकट की जा रही हो, उसके पास रखना चाहिए ।

Rule 3. Adverb Clause का प्रयोग करके (Using Adverb Clause) :
For making Complex Sentence from Adverb Clause, we need to use different-different Conjunctions.
Adverb Clause से Complex Sentence बनाने के लिए अलग-अलग Conjunctions का प्रयोग होता है ।
Examples :
a) Showing Time (समय) : Main Conjunctions -  when, whenever, while, since, after, before, as soon as, as long as, till, until
Separate - She waited for her father. She waited till his arrival.
Combined - She waited for her father till he arrived.
b) Showing Place (स्थान) : Main Conjunctions -  where, wherever
Separate - Swami Vivekananda went to many places. He was welcomed everywhere.
Combined - Swami Vivekananda was welcomed wherever he went.
c) Showing Reason (कारण) : Main Conjunctions -  because, as, since
Separate - Passengers pushed one another. They wanted to enter the compartment.
Combined - Passengers pushed one another because they wanted to enter the compartment.
d) Showing Condition (शर्त) : Main Conjunctions -  if, unless, in case
Separate - Work hard. You will get success.
Combined - If you work hard, you will get success.
e) Showing Comparison (तुलना) : Main Conjunctions -  as-as, so-as, than, so
Separate - Mohan is intelligent. Sohan is equally intelligent.
Combined - Sohan is as intelligent as Mohan.
f) Showing Contrast (अंतर) : Main Conjunctions -  even if, though, although
Separate - She is poor. She is honest.
Combined - Although she is poor, she is honest.
g) Showing Result (परिणाम) : Main Conjunctions -  so in first clause and that in second clause.
Separate - She was quite tired. She could scarcely(मुश्किल से) stand.
Combined - She was so tired that she could scarcely stand.
h) Showing Purpose (उद्देश्य) : Main Conjunctions -  in order that, so that, lest
Separate - She worked hard. She wanted to stand first in the class.
Combined - She worked hard so that she might stand first in the class.
i) Showing Manner (ढंग) : Main Conjunctions -  as, so far as
Separate - The bell rang. They all came up at once.
Combined - They all came up at once as the bell rang.