ENGULF (VERB): (समा लेना): immerse
Synonyms: swamp, submerge
Antonyms: drain, parch
Example Sentence:
I like to submerge my vegetables into a bowl of olive oil before eating them.
2. HEARTRENDING (ADJECTIVE): (प्रेरणादायक):arousing
Synonyms: stimulating, inspiring
Antonyms: boring, monotonous
Example Sentence:
His act was heartrending.
3. NARCOTIZE (VERB): (बेहोश करना):anesthetize
Synonyms: deaden, desensitize
Antonyms: enliven, revitalize
Example Sentence:
The doctor prescribed a medicine that merely narcotizes the patient.
4. STOOP (VERB): (दंडवत प्रणाम करना): kowtow
Synonyms: bow, kneel
Antonyms: disrespect, disregard
Example Sentence:
I stoop before the omnipotent God.
5. BOTCH (NOUN): (भूल): err
Synonyms: mistake, flub
Antonyms: correct, fix
Example Sentence:
I admitted my botch.
6. BEFUDDLE (VERB): (व्याकुल होना): baffle
Synonyms: puzzle, bewilder
Antonyms: orient, balance
Example Sentence:
Prashant is befuddled about Riya’s question.
7. STICKLER (NOUN): (पूर्णतावादी): perfectionist
Synonyms: disciplinarian, pedant
Antonyms: beginner, trainee
Example Sentence:
Amir Khan is an stickler.
8. STUN (VERB): (चकित करना): astonish
Synonyms: astound, surprise
Antonyms: calm, compose
Example Sentence:
Michelle was stunned over his performance.
9. SAVAGE (ADJECTIVE): (निष्ठुर): brutal
Synonyms: callous, barbarous
Antonyms: compassionate, gentle
Example Sentence:
He was alleged for a brutal murder.
10. ADAMANT (ADJECTIVE): (हठी): unyielding
Synonyms: insistent, intransigent
Antonyms: flexible, irresolute
Example Sentence:
Aaryahi is an adamant kid