Vocab 31 august

PRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): smug : (दम्भी)

Synonyms: pompous, stuffy

Antonyms: dissatisfied, discontented

Example Sentence:

I had to meet a priggish person in the train.

2. INURE (VERB): accustom someone to something esp. unpleasant : (सहनशील बनाना)

Synonyms: acclimate, toughen

Antonyms: neglect, soften

Example Sentence:

A continuation of the exclusion of these people from their lands should not inure to the benefit of the wrongdoers.

3. ONSLAUGHT (NOUN): attack : (हमला)

Synonyms: onrush, invasion

Antonyms: retreat, defense

Example Sentence:

The people suddenly made an onslaught on him.

4.REPINE (VERB): complain : (शिकायत करना)

Synonyms: grumble, lament

Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence:

He always repines about his peer.

5. CABOODLE (NOUN): collection of something : (ताम-झाम)

Synonyms: cluster, agglomeration

Antonyms: individual, one

Example Sentence:

I have a caboodle of great books.

6. ATTICISM (NOUN): grace : (लालित्य)

Synonyms: grandeur, elegance

Antonyms: crudeness, imbalance

Example Sentence:

I see the majestic Atticism in her personality.

7. AUSTERITY (NOUN): severity in manner : (आत्मसंयम)

Synonyms: acerbity, asperity

Antonyms: informality, mildness

Example Sentence:

The austerity of the politician was well renowned.

8. ARTIFICE (NOUN): clever act : (चालाकी)

Synonyms: maneuver, gimmick

Antonyms: candor, honesty

Example Sentence:

These pictures are full of artifice.

9. VALOUR (NOUN): courage : (वीरता)

Synonyms: firmness, fortitude

Antonyms: cowardice, timidity

Example Sentence:

His valor impressed everyone.

10. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): attentive : (जागरूक)

Synonyms: observant, cautious

Antonyms: heedless, impulsive

Example Sentence:

I am very vigilant while writing a letter.