Vocab 27 june

PROSAIC (ADJECTIVE): (नीरस): vapid

Synonyms: mundane, humdrum

Antonyms: exciting, creative

Example Sentence:

Prosaic language can't convey the experience.

2. SAVAGE (ADJECTIVE): (क्रूर): atrocious

Synonyms: barbarous, fierce

Antonyms: gentle, merciful

Example Sentence:

They were told to stay inside the home until the savage animal is caught!

3. CONTRETEMPS (NOUN): (अनिष्ट): accident

Synonyms: hazard, disaster

Antonyms: boon, blessing

Example Sentence:

Ripunjay met with a contretemps on the way to Kashmir.

4. BUDDING (ADJECTIVE): (नवोदित): developing

Synonyms: growing, fledgling

Antonyms: dying, shrinking

Example Sentence:

The budding flower has not yet unfurled its petals completely.


5. OUT-AND-OUT (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक):exhaustive

Synonyms: comprehensive, thorough

Antonyms: incomprehensive, superficial

Example Sentence:

Sharmishtha was involved in out-and-out activities during the training.

6. FATALITY (NOUN): (मृत्यु-दर): death

Synonyms: casualty, mortality

Antonyms: birth, inception

Example Sentence:

He was broken by the fatality at his home.

7. STATUTORY (ADJECTIVE): (वैधानिक):sanctioned

Synonyms: lawful, judicial

Antonyms: illegitimate, illicit

Example Sentence:

Major Ranveer Singha is on a statutory parole.


8. RECONDITION (VERB): (पुनर्नवीयन): renovate

Synonyms: overhaul, refurbish

Antonyms: destroy, ruin

Example Sentence:

Tabish got his house reconditioned.

9. MOULD (VERB): (काटना): cut carefully

Synonyms: divide, etch

Antonyms: join, mend

Example Sentence:

He moulded the extra wood from the door.

10. SPECK (NOUN): (धब्बा): stain

Synonyms: blot, dot

Antonyms: paragon, excellence

Example Sentence:

There were mud specks on my shoes.