Vocab 19 july

STAGGER लड़खड़ाहट (VERB): amaze

Synonyms: astonish, dumbfound

Antonyms: calm, enlighten

Example Sentence:

He has staggered audiences around the world with his magic tricks.

2. YIELD प्राप्ति (VERB): produce

Synonyms: earn, generate

Antonyms: deny, refuse

Example Sentence:

The apple trees yielded an abundant harvest.

3. ENVISION कल्पना करना(VERB): conceive

Synonyms: visualize, contemplate

Antonyms: disregard, neglect

Example Sentence:

I couldn’t envision myself as anything else.

4. IMPEDE बाधा डालना (VERB): to delay

Synonyms: brake, disrupt

Antonyms: permit, soothe

Example Sentence:

These people can impede performance.

5. CANTANKEROUS झगड़ालू (ADJECTIVE): bad tempered

Synonyms: captious, choleric

Antonyms: pleasant, cheerful

Example Sentence:
He is little larger and cantankerous.

6. BAWDINESS अश्लीलता(NOUN): dirtiness

Synonyms: profaneness, filthiness

Antonyms: decency, sophistication

Example Sentence:

There was a comedy with just a right sprinkling of bawdiness.

7. INCURSION चढ़ाई(NOUN): attack

Synonyms: irruption, intrusion

Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal

Example Sentence:

The US officials urged Iran to end the incursion.

8. SOCIABLE मिलनसार(ADJECTIVE): familiar

Synonyms: convivial, gregarious

Antonyms: aloof, unsociable

Example Sentence:

I’m a lot more sociable with everybody.

9. DISBURSE चुकाना(VERB): spend

Synonyms: dispense, spend

Antonyms: hold, keep

Example Sentence:

$47 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.

10.LICENTIOUS मनमाना(ADJECTIVE): libertine

Synonyms: debauched, salacious

Antonyms: moral, controlled

Example Sentence:

Aviraj is licentious and has no regard for the morality of law.