EXHORTATION (NOUN): (प्रबोधन): encouragement
Synonyms: laud, praise
Antonyms: insult, discourage
Example Sentence:
The team performed well because of the exhortation of the crowd.
2. STORMY (ADJECTIVE): (तूफ़ानी): violent like a storm
Synonyms: rough, furious
Antonyms: calm, quiet
Example Sentence:
They are going through a stormy phase in their career.
3. GIGANTIC (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत बड़ा): very large
Synonyms: enormous, mammoth
Antonyms: dwarf, miniature
Example Sentence:
A series of disasters frustrated the gigantic scheme.
4. ESTEEM (NOUN): (मान): respect
Synonyms: regard, honor
Antonyms: disregard, dishonor
Example Sentence:
While I cannot force you to stay, I hope you will stay back if you hold my parents in high esteem.
5. ALACRITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तेज): quick
Synonyms: brisk, speedy
Antonyms: slow, lag
Example Sentence:
The alacritous athlete won the race in no time.
6. GOBSMACKED (ADJECTIVE): (अचम्भित): astonished
Synonyms: flabbergasted, astounded
Antonyms: unfazed, unmoved
Example Sentence:
The accident left all of us like gobsmacked humans.
7. BLABBER (VERB): (गप्पी): talk foolishly
Synonyms: babble, blather
Antonyms: shy, shut
Example Sentence:
They have blabbered with each other since morning.
8. SLUMBERY (ADJECTIVE): (नींद लाने वाला): sleepy
Synonyms: slumberous, tired
Antonyms: alert, vigilant
Example Sentence:
The slumbery employees tried hard to stay awake as their MD spoke.
9. MANIFEST (ADJECTIVE): (ज़ाहिर): clear
Synonyms: plain, apparent,
Antonyms: ambiguous, vague
Example Sentence:
Corporeal beauty fades with time but a beautiful heart remains forever.
10. INOPPORTUNE (ADJECTIVE): (अकालिक): ill-timed
Synonyms: problematic, inconvenient
Antonyms: convenient, appropriate
Example Sentence:
The tiger cubs died because of the inopportune surroundings of the zoo.