FELICITY (NOUN): (परम सुख): ecstasy
Synonyms: cheerfulness, euphoria
Antonyms: despair, gloom
Example Sentence:
I hope my friend finds much felicity in her career.
2. WANTON (ADJECTIVE): (ऊधमी): gratuitous
Synonyms: senseless, unjustifiable
Antonyms: rational, reasonable
Example Sentence:
He presented a wanton idea in the meeting.
3. AUSTERE (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): stringent
Synonyms: rigid, inflexible
Antonyms: flexible, gentle
Example Sentence:
Anu has an austere family background.
4. EXASPERATION (NOUN): (क्रोध): anger
Synonyms: rage, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, cheer
Example Sentence:
Exasperation was clearly visible from his face.
5. DOUR (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): bad tempered
Synonyms: rude, blunt
Antonyms: kind, polite
Example Sentence:
In a dour voice, the police officer ordered the suspect out of his vehicle.
6. CAVORT (VERB): (उछलना-कूदना): jump about playfully
Synonyms: prank, play
Antonyms: work, study
Example Sentence:
A kid was cavorting around the corner.
7. BEHINDHAND (ADJECTIVE): (सुस्त): procrastinating
Synonyms: delaying, laggard
Antonyms: diligent, eager
Example Sentence:
I don’t like behindhand mind-set of the people.
8. FRORE (ADJECTIVE): (जमा हुआ): frosty
Synonyms: snowy, wintry
Antonyms: warm, heated
Example Sentence:
She woke up to a frore morning in America.
9. ABORTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निष्फल): failed
Synonyms: futile, fruitless
Antonyms: profitable, fruitful
Example Sentence:
The rebel officers who led the abortive coup were shot.
10. PERVERT (VERB): (बिगाड़ना): twist
Synonyms: distort, misconstrue
Antonyms: improve, cleanse
Example Sentence:
The boy started to pervert the poem when he could not remember the words.