DISINGENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटी): deceitful
Synonyms: unfair, dishonest
Antonyms: frank, truthful
Example Sentence:
The politicians now a days are becoming disingenuous.
2. ODIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (घिनौना): extremely unpleasant
Synonyms: disgusting, horrid
Antonyms: attractive, delightful
Example Sentence:
The police had resolved a mystery behind an odious crime.
3. CONFISCATE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): seize
Synonyms: appropriate, impound
Antonyms: free, release
Example Sentence:
They confiscated mobile phones propaganda material.
4. YORE (NOUN): (बीता हुआ समय): time gone by
Synonyms: history, antiquity
Antonyms: future, present
Example Sentence:
In the days of yore, the Internet did not exist.
5. VAGUE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): not definite or clear
Synonyms: ambiguous, dubious
Antonyms: apparent, certain
Example Sentence:
He rolled his eyes at the vague response.
6. DERISIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यंग्यात्मक): ridiculing
Synonyms: cheeky, mocking
Antonyms: polite, respectful
Example Sentence:
It was a derisive act.
7. BANTER (NOUN): (मज़ाक): teasing remarks
Synonyms: chaff, fun
Antonyms: flattery, praise
Example Sentence:
There was much good-natured banter.
8. YEOMAN (NOUN): (स्वेच्छा सेवी): worker
Synonyms: assistant, attendant
Antonyms: boss, manager
Example Sentence:
The yeoman was plowing the field on his master’s land.
7. CONGEAL (VERB): (जमाना): to solidify
Synonyms: coagulate, curdle
Antonyms: melt, soften
Example Sentence:
She wanted to wash the frying pan before the bacon fat had a chance to congeal.
8. CONGENITAL (ADJECTIVE): (जन्मजात): inborn
Synonyms: innate, inherent
Antonyms: foreign, external
Example Sentence:
When he was 17, he died of congenital heart disease.
9. CONCURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (समवर्ती): simultaneous
Synonyms: coexisting, concomitant
Antonyms: non-concurrent, divergent
Example Sentence:
Are these decisions concurrent with university policy?
10. CONDENSE (VERB): (संक्षित करना): abridge
Synonyms: contract, concentrate
Antonyms: increase, expand
Example Sentence:
The English translation has been condensed into a single more readable book.