INVEIGLING (ADJECTIVE): (मनोहर): Alluring
Synonyms: attracting, captivating
Antonyms: repulsive, repellent
Example Sentence:
The picture was quite inveigling.
2. AGHAST (ADJECTIVE): (भौचक्का): Appalled
Synonyms: awestruck, agog
Antonyms: unsurprised, composed
Example Sentence:
She was aghast at his question.
3. CONDOLENCE (NOUN): (शोक/ सहानुभूति): sympathy
Synonyms: compassion, consolation
Antonyms: brutality, harshness
Example Sentence:
She sent him a letter of condolence.
4. POMPOUS (ADJECTIVE): (आडम्बरपूर्ण): arrogant, egotistic
Synonyms: boastful, selfish
Antonyms: humble, kind
Example Sentence:
Because the movie star was pompous, she spent most of her time looking into the mirror.
5. SINISTER (ADJECTIVE): (भयावह): Nasty
Synonyms: ominous, perverse
Antonyms: auspicious, benevolent
Example Sentence:
It was a pretty sinister comment that you made so far.
6. MULISHNESS (NOUN): (हठ): Doggedness
Synonyms: obstinacy, bullheadedness
Antonyms: irresolution, dubiety
Example Sentence:
He is buying everything by showing his heights of mulishness.
7. OSTRACIZE (VERB): (बहिष्कार करना): banish
Synonyms: expel, exclude
Antonyms: accept, embrace
Example Sentence:
Nalini was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers.
8. PODGY (ADJECTIVE): (मोटा): slightly fat
Synonyms: chunky, flabby
Antonyms: lean, skinny
Example Sentence:
When I stopped jogging, I became podgy.
9. QUIXOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (विलक्षण): idealistic
Synonyms: impractical, dreamy
Antonyms: realistic, sensible
Example Sentence:
It was clearly a quixotic case against the defendant.
10. PULSATE (VERB): (काँपना): Quaver
Synonyms: tremble, quiver
Antonyms: steady, be still
Example Sentence:
The meek bird was pulsating in the refractory wind.