ANOMALY (VERB): oddity (विषमता)
Synonyms: peculiarity, abnormality
Antonyms: regularity, normality
Example Sentence:
There are a number of anomalies in your plan.
2. VESTIGE (NOUN): sign (अवशेष)
Synonyms: remnant, residue
Antonyms: whole, core
Example Sentence:
The new nation state law in Israel is the vestige of colonialism.
3. OBFUSCATION (NOUN): bafflement (सम्भ्रम)
Synonyms: bewilderment, confusion
Antonyms: clarity, order
Example Sentence:
Avni looked about her in obfuscation.
4. NERVE (NOUN): daring (साहस)
Synonyms: courage, grit
Antonyms: cowardice, timidity
Example Sentence:
Shreyasi has a nerve to do it.
5. EMBARK (VERB): commence (आरंभ करना)
Synonyms: enter, launch
Antonyms: cease, end
Example Sentence:
Vikalp embarked his journey.
6. IMP (NOUN): brat (शैतान)
Synonyms: gnome, minx
Antonyms: angel, elf
Example Sentence:
Ankul is a big imp.
7. IGNITE (VERB): burn (जलाना)
Synonyms: flare-up, inflame
Antonyms: extinguish, put out
Example Sentence:
Saushthav ignited a lamp.
8. FAR-FLUNG (ADJECTIVE): widespread (विस्तृत)
Synonyms: remote, distant
Antonyms: nearby, close
Example Sentence:
Visitors come from far-flung corners of the world.
9. PRIVILEGE (NOUN): advantage (विशेषाधिकार)
Synonyms: authority, license
Antonyms: disadvantage, loss
Example Sentence:
Yashap has a privilege to speak there.
10. FOSTER (VERB): promote (लालन-पालन करना)
Synonyms: encourage, cherish
Antonyms: cease, depress
Example Sentence:
Sameer fostered the very idea of gender-equality