DISSEMINATE (VERB): distribute (बांटना)
Synonyms: scatter, circulate
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example Sentence:
It took years to disseminate information about this disease.
2. ENGROSS (VERB): bewitch (मोहित करना)
Synonyms: captivate, enrapture
Antonyms: disenchant, disgust
Example Sentence:
Yesterday she engrossed everybody at the party.
3. COUNTERMAND (VERB): annul (रद्द करना)
Synonyms: override, repeal
Antonyms: approve, permit
Example Sentence:
I can't countermand my mother’s orders.
4. CHARY (ADJECTIVE): canny (सचेत)
Synonyms: careful, cautious
Antonyms: incautious, heedless
Example Sentence:
Be chary of lending money to someone you don't know very well.
5. PURVIEW (NOUN): ken (ज्ञान)
Synonyms: acumen, apprehension
Antonyms: misconception, misinterpretation
Example Sentence:
The politics in the office is beyond my purview.
6. PROFANE (ADJECTIVE): blasphemous (अपवित्र)
Synonyms: indecent, irreverent
Antonyms: reverent, respectful
Example Sentence:
Churches should not be used for profane orsecular purposes.
7. NEGATE (VERB): contradict (विरोध करना)
Synonyms: annihilate, belie
Antonyms: allow, approve
Example Sentence:
I can neither negate nor affirm this claim.
8. ABNEGATION (NOUN): refusal (अस्वीकृति)
Synonyms: rejection, forbearance
Antonyms: sanction, allowance
Example Sentence:
George’s abnegation of responsibility for his son’s behavior angered the judge.
9. IMPECUNIOUS (ADJECTIVE): poverty-stricken (गरीब)
Synonyms: penniless, poor
Antonyms: wealthy, rich
Example Sentence:
Many plans were being developed to help the impecunious people in the town.
10. DOLOROUS (ADJECTIVE): miserable (दु:खद)
Synonyms: anguished, calamitous
Antonyms: cheery, hopeful
Example Sentence:
The dolorous film made me recall sad times