PLEDGE (NOUN): oath : (प्रतिज्ञा)
Synonyms: promise, vow
Antonyms: breach, break
Example Sentence:
The UNFCCC underlined the fulfilment of national pledges related to carbon emission.
2. INADEQUATE (ADJECTIVE): lacking the quality : (अपर्याप्त)
Synonyms: deficient, meager
Antonyms: abundant, enough
Example Sentence:
The agreement would be inadequate to keep global warming below 2°C.
3. IMPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): of vital importance : (अनिवार्य)
Synonyms: compulsory, obligatory
Antonyms: trivial, optional
Example Sentence:
It is equally imperative to examine the progress of climate targets.
4. INCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): including all the services : (समेत)
Synonyms: comprehensive, broad
Antonyms: exclusive, narrow
Example Sentence:
The fastest trains are maintaining inclusive speeds of 45km/sec.
5. COLLABORATION (NOUN): alliance : (सहकार्यता)
Synonyms: association, partnership
Antonyms: disunion, separation
Example Sentence:
With the collaboration, he undertook the preparation of an inventory.
6. VITAL (ADJECTIVE): essential : (महत्वपूर्ण)
Synonyms: crucial, necessary
Antonyms: optional, secondary
Example Sentence:
States are a vital part of the grand coalition between the two countries.
7. GRAVITATE (VERB): drift : (केंद्र की ओर झुकना)
Synonyms: incline, tend
Antonyms: ascend, increase
Example Sentence:
They gravitate to these areas.
8. STAGGER (VERB): move unsteadily : (लड़खड़ाकर चलना)
Synonyms: careen, lurch
Antonyms: continue, stay
Example Sentence:
These numbers are staggering but they are only the tip of the iceberg.
9. LOATHE (VERB): feel intense dislike or disgust for : (घृणा करना)
Synonyms: abhor, execrate
Antonyms: admire, cherish
Example Sentence:
Unfortunately, agencies seem to be loathe to cooperate.
10. EVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): memories : (उदबोधक)
Synonyms: expressive, redolent
Antonyms: forgetful, oblivious
Example Sentence:
The team felt that ‘Into the heart of Darkness’ was evocative enough to bring out a range of issues.