Vocab 21 august

BERSERK (ADJECTIVE): Insane : (निडर)

Synonyms: crazed, maniacal

Antonyms: rational, sensible

Example Sentence:

Army went berserk with an arsenal of guns.

2. DORMANT (ADJECTIVE): Asleep : (निष्क्रिय)

Synonyms: comatose, sleeping

Antonyms: active, wakeful

Example Sentence:

Why do you look so dormant all the time?

3. DIFFIDENT (ADJECTIVE): Meek : (संकोची)

Synonyms: timid, sheepish

Antonyms: brave, confident

Example Sentence:

Sia is a kind of diffident person.

4. INORDINATE (ADJECTIVE): Undue : (असामान्य)

Synonyms: pricey, steep

Antonyms: cheap, moderate

Example Sentence:

The case had taken up an inordinate amount of time.

5. EGRESS (NOUN): Departure : (निकास)

Synonyms: emanation, exiting

Antonyms: entrance, arrival

Example Sentence:

They hinted at the direct means of access and egress for passengers.

6. ENGROSS (VERB): Bewitch : (मोहित करना)

Synonyms: captivate, enrapture

Antonyms: disenchant, disgust

Example Sentence:

Yesterday Priyanshi engrossed everybody at the party.

7. DYNAMIC (ADJECTIVE): Charismatic : (गतिशील)

Synonyms: effective, energetic

Antonyms: lethargic, lifeless

Example Sentence:

Vishal has a very dynamic personality.

8. DEBACLE (NOUN): Catastrophe : (पराजय)

Synonyms: beating, collapse

Antonyms: attainment, accomplishment

Example Sentence:

When the movie was released, it was called a debacle by the audience.

9. BEFOUL (VERB): Defile : (गंदा करना)

Synonyms: dishonor, pillage

Antonyms: honor, praise

Example Sentence:

Many graves were befouled.

10. DEMUR (VERB): Object : (मन डांवाडोल होना)

Synonyms: refuse, dissent

Antonyms: support, help

Example Sentence:

She demurred enter into the new business deal.