KEEL (VERB): turn over on its side : (उलटना)
Synonyms: plunge, overturn
Antonyms: ascend, straighten
Example Sentence:
It might keel at any minute, we must aware of it.
2. COALESCENCE (NOUN): clotting: (थक्के)
Synonyms: clump, cluster
Antonyms: individual, opening
Example Sentence:
By coalescence of the endoderm-layers, the coelenteron may be reduced to vessels.
3. INAUGURATION (NOUN): launch: (उद्घाटन)
Synonyms: commencement, induction
Antonyms: conclusion, adjournment
Example Sentence:
The minister inaugurated the programme.
4. RESUMPTION (NOUN): restart: (पुनरारंभ)
Synonyms: revival, resurgence
Antonyms: destruction, suppression
Example Sentence:
He made an early resumption of peace and talks.
5. SIZABLE (ADJECTIVE): fairly large: (बड़ा)
Synonyms: extensive, hefty
Antonyms: tiny, small
Example Sentence:
The city earlier had a sizable Jewish population.
6. SERMON (NOUN): a talk on a religious subject: (धर्मोपदेश)
Synonyms: lesson, preaching
Antonyms: blockage, hindrance
Example Sentence:
The spiritual Guru has just finished his sermon.
7. WADE (VERB): walk with effort through liquid: (प्रकट रूप से)
Synonyms: paddle, drudge
Antonyms: avoid, dodge
Example Sentence:
As we wade gingerly across to the other bank, we realize we would be lost without the boys.
8. OSTENSIBLY (ADVERB): apparently
Synonyms: evidently, seemingly
Antonyms: improbably, unlikely
Example Sentence:
Ostensibly, this is being done to make educational facilities available.
9. PITHY (ADJECTIVE): vigorously expressive: (सारगर्भित)
Synonyms: cogent, concise
Antonyms: impotent, lengthy
Example Sentence:
None liked his pithy comments.
10. PILLAGE (VERB): rob a place using violence: (लूटना)
Synonyms: loot, maraud
Antonyms: receive, construct
Example Sentence:
Those people pillaged the town.