ROGUISH (ADJECTIVE): deceitful : (धोखेबाज)
Synonyms: devilish, playful
Antonyms: real, valid
Example Sentence:
What a roguish pair of eyes!
2. CONTEMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): arrogant : (तिरस्कारपूर्ण)
Synonyms: disdainful, haughty
Antonyms: humble, praising
Example Sentence:
He is a very contemptuous person.
3. CHEEKY (ADJECTIVE): impudent : (निर्लज्ज)
Synonyms: bold, brash
Antonyms: afraid, fearful
Example Sentence:
What will you do cheeky boy?
4. MEEK (ADJECTIVE): shy : (नम्र)
Synonyms: docile, gentle
Antonyms: bold, brave
Example Sentence:
He was rejected because of his meek nature.
5. SERENE (ADJECTIVE): calm : (शांत)
Synonyms: comfortable, composed
Antonyms: agitated, annoyed
Example Sentence:
Her mother was looking at her with a serene comprehension and compassion.
6. IMPORTUNATE (ADJECTIVE): demanding : (हठी)
Synonyms: burning, crying
Antonyms: unimportant, relaxed
Example Sentence:
This is an importunate thing.
7. CANDID (ADJECTIVE): honest : (स्पष्टवादी)
Synonyms: blunt, forthright
Antonyms: biased, tactful
Example Sentence:
His candid effort towards making his country great.
8. TRICKY (ADJECTIVE): complicated : (छली)
Synonyms: complex, critical
Antonyms: certain, direct
Example Sentence:
This question is too tricky to solve.
9. OBDURATE (ADJECTIVE): stubborn : (हठी)
Synonyms: adamant, bullhead
Antonyms: gentle, submissive
Example Sentence:
Obdurate boys do not get everything that they want.
10. DOGGED (ADJECTIVE): determined : (दृढ़)
Synonyms: relentless, resolute
Antonyms: irresolute, weak
Example Sentence:
He is a dogged person for his work.