GLOSS OVER (VERB): fail to do : (उपेक्षा)
Synonyms: bypass, disregard
Antonyms: attend, regard
Example Sentence:
Shreyansh handed over the résumé that glossed over the applicant's lack of experience.
2. SOOTHE (VERB): calm :
Synonyms: allay, appease
Antonyms: aggravate, agitate
Example Sentence:
He tried his best to soothe his wife.
3. DULCIFY (VERB): pacify : (शांत करना)
Synonyms: assuage, curb
Antonyms: incite, irritate
Example Sentence:
He dulcified his hunger by eating apple.
4. EBULLIENT (ADJECTIVE): enthusiastic : (आनन्दित)
Synonyms: brash, chipper
Antonyms: depressed, down
Example Sentence:
Ebullient wolf made everyone tensed.
5. EFFERVESCENT (ADJECTIVE): fizzing : (चमकता हुआ)
Synonyms: bubbly, airy
Antonyms: inactive, flat
Example Sentence:
Effervescent sight of this lake can make you crazy.
6. LUSCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): delicious : (सुस्वाद)
Synonyms: juicy, lush
Antonyms: austere, bland
Example Sentence:
She cooks luscious food.
7. SAVORY (ADJECTIVE): pleasing : (दिलकश)
Synonyms: aromatic, fragrant
Antonyms: stinking, sour
Example Sentence:
His savory attitude will help him to get promotion.
8. MELLOW (ADJECTIVE): ripe : (परिपक्व)
Synonyms: delicate, soft
Antonyms: harsh, healthy
Example Sentence:
She was staring at the mellow evening sky.
9. DWINDLE (VERB): wane : (दुर्बल होना)
Synonyms: abate, decay
Antonyms: develop, enhance
Example Sentence:
Water the plant otherwise it will dwindle very soon.
10. SHRINK (VERB): become smaller : (सिकुड़ना)
Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: enlarge, extend
Example Sentence:
I saw a virus through microscope, it was shrinking.