Vocab 5 september

EXCRUCIATE (VERB): agonize: (कष्ट पहुंचाना)

Synonyms: anguish, bother

Antonyms: equity, fairness

Example Sentence:

Swastika stood back, excruciated by the possibility.

2. CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): actual: (वास्तविक)

Synonyms: factual, particular

Antonyms: unimportant, indefinite

Example Sentence:

Swinka has a concrete information.

3. RENEGE (VERB): go back on a promise: (इनकार)

Synonyms: reverse, welsh

Antonyms: correction, accuracy

Example Sentence:

People have reneged on a core promise laid out in the preamble of the constitution.

4. STIGMATISE (VERB): disgrace: (कलंकित करना)

Synonyms: defame, denounce

Antonyms: exalt, praise

Example Sentence:

This action will stigmatise a set of citizens for their poverty.

5. REPLETE (ADJECTIVE): filled or well supplied with something : (भरा हुआ)

Synonyms: awash, rife

Antonyms: empty, unfilled

Example Sentence:

History is replete with odious instances of countries that have differentiated between citizens in the past.

6. EXPLOITATION (NOUN): misuse: (दुरुपयोग करना)

Synonyms: ill-treatment, wringing

Antonyms: hospitable, generous

Example Sentence:

It was an exploitation of the patented invention.

7. THRIVE (VERB): prosper: (फूलना फलना)

Synonyms: flourish, bloom

Antonyms: cease, decrease

Example Sentence:

It appears to believe that English can’t thrive as long as French survives.

8. MAGNANIMOUS (ADJECTIVE): generous: (उदार)

Synonyms: altruistic, charitable

Antonyms: mean, selfish

Example Sentence:

The panel is more magnanimous than Article 120(2).

9. CONCEDE (VERB): acknowledge: (स्वीकार करना)

Synonyms: accept, cave in

Antonyms: deny, refuse

Example Sentence:

I had to concede that I'd overreacted.

10. STRIVE (VERB): make great efforts to achieve something : (प्रयास करना)

Synonyms: aim, attempt

Antonyms: neglect, dissuade

Example Sentence:

They strive to make their respective languages prominent in governance and education.