THESPIAN (NOUN): artist : (अभिनेता)
Synonyms: entertainer, actor
Antonyms: non-entertainer, non-artist
Example Sentence:
I met a great thespian in Moscow.
2. DILAPIDATION (NOUN): ruin : (नाश)
Synonyms: decrepitude, destruction
Antonyms: development, escalation
Example Sentence:
Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation.
3. ESPOUSE (VERB): support : (समर्थन करना)
Synonyms: adopt, advocate
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
4. FIERY (ADJECTIVE): blazing : (उग्र)
Synonyms: burning, flaming
Antonyms: cold, cool
Example Sentence:
Anushka cooked in a fiery furnace.
5. FECKLESS (ADJECTIVE): without purpose : (अबल)
Synonyms: aimless, carefree
Antonyms: purposeful, efficient
Example Sentence:
It was a feckless attempt to make the company a success.
6. MERCURIAL (ADJECTIVE): flighty, temperamental : (चंचल)
Synonyms: changeable, impulsive
Antonyms: constant, stable
Example Sentence:
His mercurial temperament made him difficult to work with his teammates.
7. SPECIOUS (ADJECTIVE): misleading : (दिखावटी)
Synonyms: deceptive, false
Antonyms: genuine, valid
Example Sentence:
His readings are seeming to be specious.
8. WALLOP (VERB): clobber : (वज्रपात)
Synonyms: drub, trounce
Antonyms: lose, surrender
Example Sentence:
The drunken truck driver was walloped by a mob.
9. ZEST (NOUN): flavoring : (उत्तेजकता)
Synonyms: pungency, piquancy
Antonyms: dullness, blandness
Example Sentence:
My brother’s remark added a certain zest to the atmosphere.
10. WHIMSICAL (ADJECTIVE): playful : (सनकी)
Synonyms: amusing, funny
Antonyms: behaving, sensible
Example Sentence:
Anu watched Pranuj with whimsical eyes.