UNWAVERING (ADJECTIVE): resolute :(स्थिर)
Synonyms: faithful, dedicated
Antonyms: disloyal, unreliable
Example Sentence:
Shayna was unwavering in her opinions.
2. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): curt :(गुप्त)
Synonyms: brusque, abrupt
Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded
Example Sentence:
My husband’s cryptic comment left me confused.
3. ACERBIC (ADJECTIVE): caustic :(तीक्ष्ण)
Synonyms: rancorous, bitter
Antonyms: kind, nice
Example Sentence:
My mother-in-law tries to hide the fact she does not like me by using acerbic comments.
4. SCALLOP (VERB): pucker :(सिकुड़ना)
Synonyms: scrunch, crumple
Antonyms: flatten, smooth
Example Sentence:
The scallop fishery is becoming more and more valuable.
5. INTERLACE (VERB): braid :(लपेटना)
Synonyms: curl, enmesh
Antonyms: untwist, untangle
Example Sentence:
Alice interlaced her hair around her finger.
6. ENDEMIC (ADJECTIVE): local :(स्थानिक)
Synonyms: native, regional
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Example Sentence:
Navneet is an endemic vendor.
7. GUTTURAL (ADJECTIVE): grating :(कर्कश)
Synonyms: growling, husky
Antonyms: thin, dulcet
Example Sentence:
Deepak has a guttural voice.
8. HARROW (VERB): devastate :(मिटाना)
Synonyms: sack, spoil
Antonyms: create, construct
Example Sentence: He harrowed the village.
9. IMBECILE (ADJECTIVE): stupid :(मूर्ख)
Synonyms: idiotic, moronic
Antonyms: smart, brainy
Example Sentence:
Aneesh is such an imbecile boy.
10. IGNOBLE (ADJECTIVE): lowly :( नीच)
Synonyms: unworthy, despicable
Antonyms: dignified, honorable
Example Sentence:
She has ignoble feelings of intense jealous