PONTIFICATE (VERB): sermonize :(धार्मिक शिक्षा देना)
Synonyms: preach, dogmatize
Antonyms: praise, applaud
Example Sentence:
He loves to hear himself talk and will often pontificate on even the most trivial issues.
2. FALLACY (NOUN): illusion :(भ्रम)
Synonyms: deception, falsehood
Antonyms: honesty, reality
Example Sentence:
The notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy.
3. DISTEMPER (NOUN): disorder :(विकार)
Synonyms: affliction, ailment
Antonyms: health, healer
Example Sentence:
Excessive distemper should not be practiced.
4. TINTINNABULATION (NOUN): loud ringing :(घंटे की खनखनाहट)
Synonyms: chime, jingle
Antonyms: silence, peace
Example Sentence:
The tintinnabulation that could be heard throughout the village was from the church on the common announcing morning services.
5. SEPTENTRIONAL (ADVERB): polar :(ध्रुव के समीप का)
Synonyms: northward, arctic
Antonyms: southward, Antarctic
Example Sentence:
When he tired of the long, septentrional winters of New England, Grandfather retired to Florida.
6. PANGLOSSIAN (ADJECTIVE): optimistic :(आशावादी)
Synonyms: assured, confident
Antonyms: pessimistic, uncertain
Example Sentence:
This is simply a Panglossian idea.
7. ANABASIS (NOUN): forward movement :(प्रगति)
Synonyms: advance, progress
Antonyms: hinder, backward
Example Sentence:
Reluctantly, the general ordered a hasty anabasis in the face of overwhelming opposing forces.
8. CAITIFF (NOUN): coward :(कायर)
Synonyms: scoundrel, louse
Antonyms: brave, bold
Example Sentence:
A woman was killed by a caitiff.
9. CRENEL (NOUN): scrape :(परिमार्जन)
Synonyms: indentation, incision
Antonyms: increase, bulge
Example Sentence:
Leaning into a crenel between two square merlons, he took a deep breath of relief.
10. FLAPDOODLE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculous situation or behaviour :(वाहियात)
Synonyms: craziness, foolishness
Antonyms: intelligence, judgement
Example Sentence:
You're the last man I ever expected to hear that kind of flapdoodle from.