Vocab 19 september

DEFALCATION (NOUN): default :(गबन)

Synonyms: disaster, failure

Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement

Example Sentence:

Ravi made defalcation in funds.

2. DEBILITY (NOUN): decrepitude :(दुर्बलता)

Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement

Antonyms: soundness, healthiness

Example Sentence:

Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.

3. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): contrasting :(भिन्न)

Synonyms: discordant, diverse

Antonyms: agreeing, alike

Example Sentence:

Anamika made disparate arguments.

4. DOYEN (NOUN): legislator :(वरिष्ठ एवं प्रतिष्ठित सदस्य)

Synonyms: principal, authority

Antonyms: pupil, student

Example Sentence:

Anu is a doyen of this organisation.

5. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): deceitful :(कपटी)

Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious

Antonyms: honest, forthright

Example Sentence:

He plays a devious character.

6. DISENTOMB (VERB): disclose :(अन्वेषण करना)

Synonyms: resurrect, unearth

Antonyms: entomb, bury

Example Sentence:

They disentombed the matter.

7. CANARD (NOUN): fabrication :(झूठी अफ़वाह)

Synonyms: exaggeration, lie

Antonyms: truth, reality

Example Sentence:

Her statement was full of canard.

8. CANDOR (NOUN): complete honesty :(निष्कपटता)

Synonyms: directness, fairness

Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness

Example Sentence:

She has done her task with complete candor.

9. CESSATION (NOUN): abeyance :(ठहराव)

Synonyms: breather, discontinuance

Antonyms: activity, continuity

Example Sentence:

Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.

10. BRIGAND (NOUN): hoodlum :(बटमार)

Synonyms: bandit, desperado

Antonyms: law, police

Example Sentence:

He is a brigand.