General knowledge quiz questions

Indus Valley Civilization : General knowledge questions

Previously asked general knowledge questions about Indus Valley Civilization

1. Who discovered the Indus site, Harappa ?
Answer: Dayaram Sahni

2. Who discovered the Indus site, Ropar ?
answer:  Y.D. Sharma

3. Who discovered the Indus site, Mohenjodaro ?
 Answer:  R. D. Banerji

4. Who discovered the Indus site, Lothal ?
answer: S.R.Rao

5. Who discovered the Indus site, Lothal ?
 Answer: Braj Basi Lal

6. What is the meaning of word Mohenjodaro ?
answer: Mound of the Dead

7. In which Indus site, Great bath located ?
Answer: Mohenjodaro

8.  In which Indus site, Great granary located ?
answer: Harappa

More General knowledge questions will be added soon......

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