Vocab 7 july

PRECIPICE (NOUN): (खड़ी चट्टान): Steep

Synonyms: cliff, crag

Antonyms: plain, straight

Example Sentence:

There was a deep precipice along the road.

2. FRAIL (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्बल): weak

Synonyms: breakable, feeble

Antonyms: hearty, strong

Example sentence:

He has become so frail that he can’t stand properly.

3. KIBBLE (VERB): (टुकड़े टुकड़े करना): Crush

Synonyms: crumble, grate

Antonyms: build, liberate

Example Sentence:

I kibbled red black pepper and cheese in my dish.

4. MUSTER (NOUN): (सभा): Assembly

Synonyms: gathering, roster

Antonyms: division, separation

Example Sentence:

They mustered at the playground.

5. EFFETE (ADJECTIVE): (नष्ट बल /अशक्त): Self-indulgent

Synonyms: spoilt, destroyed

Antonyms: disciplined, proper

Example Sentence:

He is an effete kid.

6. JOSTLE (VERB): (संघर्ष करना): To compete for something

Synonyms: struggle, tussle

Antonyms: harmonize, co-ordinate

Example Sentence:

He was jostling to clinch the title.

7. CORDIAL (ADJECTIVE): (सौहार्दपूर्ण): Warm-hearted

Synonyms: affable, friendly

Antonyms: hostile, indifferent

Example Sentence:

If you treat people in a cordial manner, they will treat you well also.

8. ELOQUENCE (NOUN): (वाग्मिता): fervor

Synonyms: diction, fluency

Antonyms: incompetence, inarticulateness

Example Sentence:

His eloquence is made him hero among all the aspirants.

9. FLEECE (VERB): (ठगना): con

Synonyms: defraud, dupe

Antonyms: help, be honest

Example sentence:

The story of the fleece was as follows.

10. SPLOSH (VERB): (पानी का छपका डालना):Sprinkle

Synonyms: splash, moisten

Antonyms: collocate, cluster

Example Sentence:

She sploshed water over the plants.