Vocab 1 july

DISTINGUISH (VERB): (अंतर करना): tell the difference

Synonyms: analyze, categorize

Antonyms: allow, combine

Example Sentence:

Distinguish the matter as soon as possible.

2. EXTRICATE (VERB): (अलग करना): get out of a situation

Synonyms: detach, extract

Antonyms: attach, connect

Example Sentence:

Amay was trying to extricate himself from official duties.

3. ENTANGLE (VERB): (उलझाना): involve

Synonyms: confuse, complicate

Antonyms: clarify, exclude

Example Sentence:

Don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy.

4. ENSNARE (VERB): (जाल में फंसाना): trap

Synonyms: cheat, embroil

Antonyms: free, liberate

Example Sentence:

Don't let anyone ensnare you.

5. DUMBFOUND (VERB): (हक्का-बक्का करना): astound

Synonyms: amaze, astonish

Antonyms: calm, expect

Example Sentence:

Ansh did his best to dumbfound his boss.

6. FORECAST (NOUN): (पूर्वानुमान करना): prediction

Synonyms: projection, estimate

Antonyms: hindsight, ignorance

Example Sentence:

You are not a God that your forecast is going to be happened.

7. DISTRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): very upset

Synonyms: agitated, anxious

Antonyms: balanced, calm

Example Sentence:

She burst into a little peal of laughter as she looked into his distraught face.

8. PREMEDITATED (ADJECTIVE): (पूर्वचिन्तित): planned

Synonyms: calculated, deliberate

Antonyms: accidental, casual

Example Sentence:

Had it really been premeditated that he should fall into that camp?

9. RIG (VERB): (वस्र पहनना): dress

Synonyms: equip, furnish

Antonyms: disrobe, uncover

Example Sentence:

The children return from Box Hill, and are rigged out for church.

10. COMPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): (संमिश्रित): mixed

Synonyms: complex, compound

Antonyms: homogeneous, simple

Example Sentence:

This composite body of troop can’t be recognized.

Vocab 30 june

HEGEMONY (NOUN): (नायकत्व): controlling power or influence over others

Synonyms: dominance, dominion

Antonyms: impotency, weakness

Example Sentence:

Both America and China are trying for hegemony in Asia.

2. SUFFICE (VERB): (पर्याप्त होना): be enough

Synonyms: satisfy, avail

Antonyms: displease, dissatisfy

Example Sentence:

Simple mediocrity cannot suffice them.

3. GIMMICK (NOUN): (युक्ति): trick

Synonyms: artifice, ruse

Antonyms: reality, truth

Example Sentence:

The reservation policy is just a political gimmick.

4. PENCHANT (NOUN): (झुकाव/ रुचि): strong inclination

Synonyms: affection, affinity

Antonyms: averseness, aversion

Example Sentence:

He had strong penchant for playing cricket.

5. INGENIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिभा-सम्पन्न):skillful

Synonyms: lever, creative

Antonyms: dull, foolish

Example Sentence:

She devised an ingenious scheme to hoodwink the police.

6. PERDITION (NOUN): (विनाश): hell

Synonyms: inferno, damnation

Antonyms: heaven, paradise

Example Sentence:

He alleged that the film would lead young souls into perdition.

7. FLAGGING (ADJECTIVE): (धुंधली): languid

Synonyms: fading, dwindling

Antonyms: energized, refreshed

Example Sentence:

Sense of winning seems to be flagging in the troops.

8. DECELERATE (VERB): (धीमा करना): slow down

Synonyms: brake, slow

Antonyms: accelerate, hasten

Example Sentence:

She decelerated her car

9. JUBILATION (NOUN): (आनंद): rejoicing

Synonyms: happiness, joy

Antonyms: sadness, sorrow

Example Sentence:

The victory of Indian hockey team was celebrated with jubilation.

10. GIGANTIC (ADJECTIVE): (विशाल): huge in size

Synonyms: gargantuan, giant

Antonyms: small, little

Example Sentence:

The road is bordered by gigantic rocks

Vocab 29 june

ZAP (VERB): (नष्ट करना): destroy

Synonyms: kill, slaughter

Antonyms: bear, begin

Example Sentence:

Pakistan zapped the LOC area.

2. SKIRMISH (NOUN): (झड़प): fight

Synonyms: altercation, argument

Antonyms: peace, retreat

Example Sentence:

The skirmish lasted about fifteen minutes near my house.

3. EMPATHY (NOUN): (हमदर्दी): understanding

Synonyms: affinity, appreciation

Antonyms: disdain, hatred

Example Sentence:

Perhaps because of empathy, we are together since 2000.

4. TUSSLE (NOUN): (संघर्ष): struggle

Synonyms: brawl, fray

Antonyms: surrender, retreat

Example Sentence:

He faced so much tussle throughout his life.

5. IMPROMPTU (ADJECTIVE): (बिना तैयारी के):unrehearsed

Synonyms: offhand, unscripted

Antonyms: deliberate, planned

Example Sentence:

It was an impromptu effort to avoid telling me who they are, but they are known.

6. IMPUGN (VERB): (बहस करना): criticize, challenge

Synonyms: assail, tar

Antonyms: agree, aid

Example Sentence:

You should not impugn his efforts.

7. COMPACT (ADJECTIVE): (सघन): condensed

Synonyms: solid, tight

Antonyms: empty, loose

Example Sentence:

A compact little group of men rounded the bend and approached.

8. SPONTANEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (स्वाभाविक):impulsive

Synonyms: casual, simple

Antonyms: intended, premeditated

Example Sentence:

At her spontaneous act of welcome a light came into my eyes.

9. MELEE (NOUN): (हाथापाई): battle

Synonyms: brawl, fracas

Antonyms: peace, agreement

Example Sentence:

In the melee, Rahul looked at the eyes of Sanjay.


10. MASSED (ADJECTIVE): (संख्या में एकत्र):composite

Synonyms: concerted, corporate

Antonyms: separate, unshared

Example Sentence:

The heavens darkened with massed fliers.

Vocab 28 june

IRRESOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्थिर):indecisive

Synonyms: doubtful, fickle

Antonyms: resolute, definite

Example Sentence:

Praver is very irresolute in nature.

2. PURSUIT (NOUN): (काम-काज): occupation

Synonyms: undertaking, venture

Antonyms: pastime, entertainment

Example Sentence:

They are involved in a whole range of leisure pursuits.

3. SOVEREIGN (ADJECTIVE): (प्रभुत्व-सम्पन्न):autonomous

Synonyms: self-governed, monarchial

Antonyms: subordinate, dependent

Example Sentence:

In modern democracies the people's will is in theory sovereign.

4. HAIL (VERB): (अभिवादन करना): honour

Synonyms: welcome, salute

Antonyms: dishonor, disparage

Example Sentence:

Anshul has now learned to honour her father's memory.

5. QUANDARY (NOUN): (नाज़ुक हालत): difficult situation

Synonyms: predicament, uncertainty

Antonyms: good fortune, certainty

Example Sentence:

Anshul has been trapped in quandary.


6. ENDEAR (VERB): (लुभाना): attract attention

Synonyms: captivate, bind

Antonyms: disconnect, disenchant

Example Sentence:

Divyajyoti tried to endear everyone.

7. BRUTISHLY (ADVERB): (बेरहमी से): ferociously

Synonyms: fiercely, savagely

Antonyms: kindly, gently

Example Sentence:

Param brutishly killed his daughter.

8. HOCUS-POCUS (NOUN): (आकर्षण): spell

Synonyms: charm, magic

Antonyms: reality, actuality

Example Sentence:

The hocus-pocus was just for the show.


9. BICKER (VERB): (झगड़ना): argue

Synonyms: barter, quibble

Antonyms: agree, comply

Example Sentence:

Anahita likes to bicker with me.

10. TARRY (VERB): (देर करना): delay

Synonyms: boondoggle, trail

Antonyms: hurry, hasten

Example Sentence:

Nia could tarry a bit and not get home until four.

Vocab 27 june

PROSAIC (ADJECTIVE): (नीरस): vapid

Synonyms: mundane, humdrum

Antonyms: exciting, creative

Example Sentence:

Prosaic language can't convey the experience.

2. SAVAGE (ADJECTIVE): (क्रूर): atrocious

Synonyms: barbarous, fierce

Antonyms: gentle, merciful

Example Sentence:

They were told to stay inside the home until the savage animal is caught!

3. CONTRETEMPS (NOUN): (अनिष्ट): accident

Synonyms: hazard, disaster

Antonyms: boon, blessing

Example Sentence:

Ripunjay met with a contretemps on the way to Kashmir.

4. BUDDING (ADJECTIVE): (नवोदित): developing

Synonyms: growing, fledgling

Antonyms: dying, shrinking

Example Sentence:

The budding flower has not yet unfurled its petals completely.


5. OUT-AND-OUT (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक):exhaustive

Synonyms: comprehensive, thorough

Antonyms: incomprehensive, superficial

Example Sentence:

Sharmishtha was involved in out-and-out activities during the training.

6. FATALITY (NOUN): (मृत्यु-दर): death

Synonyms: casualty, mortality

Antonyms: birth, inception

Example Sentence:

He was broken by the fatality at his home.

7. STATUTORY (ADJECTIVE): (वैधानिक):sanctioned

Synonyms: lawful, judicial

Antonyms: illegitimate, illicit

Example Sentence:

Major Ranveer Singha is on a statutory parole.


8. RECONDITION (VERB): (पुनर्नवीयन): renovate

Synonyms: overhaul, refurbish

Antonyms: destroy, ruin

Example Sentence:

Tabish got his house reconditioned.

9. MOULD (VERB): (काटना): cut carefully

Synonyms: divide, etch

Antonyms: join, mend

Example Sentence:

He moulded the extra wood from the door.

10. SPECK (NOUN): (धब्बा): stain

Synonyms: blot, dot

Antonyms: paragon, excellence

Example Sentence:

There were mud specks on my shoes.

Vocab 26 june

KEN (NOUN): (ज्ञान): perception

Synonyms: acumen, awareness

Antonyms: blindness, ignorance

Example Sentence:

Due to the ken of my poor health, the doctor advised me to eat healthier foods and exercise more.

2. LAMBASTE (VERB): (दंड देना): punish, beat

Synonyms: assail, berate

Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence:

The government was severely lambasted by the opposition.

3. IMPUTE (VERB): (मढ़ना): attribute

Synonyms: ascribe, accredit

Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate

Example Sentence:

Rather than impute his brother, he will accept blame for a crime he did not commit.

4. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप): to mourn or grieve deeply

Synonyms: bemoan, deplore

Antonyms: relieve, celebrate

Example Sentence:

I lament for those who believe drinking is beneficial.

5. LUCRE (NOUN): (दौलत): money, profits

Synonyms: capital, cash

Antonyms: bills, debt

Example Sentence:

Gangsters searched the house for hidden lucre but found nothing.

6. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (शिथिल): slack, remiss

Synonyms: careless, lenient

Antonyms: attentive, careful

Example Sentence:

Her lax attitude left people thinking she was disinterested.


7. MAIM (VERB): (काटना): cripple, put out of action

Synonyms: disable, disfigure

Antonyms: care, aid

Example Sentence:

If you do not want your vicious dog to maim or fatally injure people, then you should put him down.

8. MANGLE (VERB): (वध करना): mutilate, deform

Synonyms: bruise, contort

Antonyms: beautify, repair

Example Sentence:

How should I fret to mangle every line?

9. NADIR (NOUN): (निम्नतम): lowest point

Synonyms: base, bottom

Antonyms: top, highest point

Example Sentence:

The sun does not spring at once from the nadir to the zenith.

10. ODIUM (NOUN): (घृणा): shame, dishonor

Synonyms: abhorrence, antipathy

Antonyms: affection, approval

Example Sentence:

Because of my odium for the politician’s views, I have no plans to vote for him.

Vocab 25 june

ENGULF (VERB): (समा लेना): immerse

Synonyms: swamp, submerge

Antonyms: drain, parch

Example Sentence:

I like to submerge my vegetables into a bowl of olive oil before eating them.

2. HEARTRENDING (ADJECTIVE): (प्रेरणादायक):arousing

Synonyms: stimulating, inspiring

Antonyms: boring, monotonous

Example Sentence:

His act was heartrending.

3. NARCOTIZE (VERB): (बेहोश करना):anesthetize

Synonyms: deaden, desensitize

Antonyms: enliven, revitalize

Example Sentence:

The doctor prescribed a medicine that merely narcotizes the patient.

4. STOOP (VERB): (दंडवत प्रणाम करना): kowtow

Synonyms: bow, kneel

Antonyms: disrespect, disregard

Example Sentence:

I stoop before the omnipotent God.

5. BOTCH (NOUN): (भूल): err

Synonyms: mistake, flub

Antonyms: correct, fix

Example Sentence:

I admitted my botch.

6. BEFUDDLE (VERB): (व्याकुल होना): baffle

Synonyms: puzzle, bewilder

Antonyms: orient, balance

Example Sentence:

Prashant is befuddled about Riya’s question.

7. STICKLER (NOUN): (पूर्णतावादी): perfectionist

Synonyms: disciplinarian, pedant

Antonyms: beginner, trainee

Example Sentence:

Amir Khan is an stickler.

8. STUN (VERB): (चकित करना): astonish

Synonyms: astound, surprise

Antonyms: calm, compose

Example Sentence:

Michelle was stunned over his performance.

9. SAVAGE (ADJECTIVE): (निष्ठुर): brutal

Synonyms: callous, barbarous

Antonyms: compassionate, gentle

Example Sentence:

He was alleged for a brutal murder.


10. ADAMANT (ADJECTIVE): (हठी): unyielding

Synonyms: insistent, intransigent

Antonyms: flexible, irresolute

Example Sentence:

Aaryahi is an adamant kid

Vocab 24 june

EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): accelerate

Synonyms: quicken, hasten

Antonyms: delay, retard

Example sentence:

He was expediting the speed of a car.

2. REMUNERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (लाभप्रद):advantageous

Synonyms: gainful, beneficial

Antonyms: poorly paid, unprofitable

Example sentence:

This plan of yours seems remunerative.

3. PROCUREMENT (NOUN): (प्राप्ति): obtainment

Synonyms: appropriation, attainment

Antonyms: bestowal, giving

Example sentence:

He has made procurement of his dreams and achievements.

4. REFORM (VERB): (सुधार करना): amend

Synonyms: improve, repair

Antonyms: break, damage

Example sentence:

The judge reformed the impunity.

5. UNREALISTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अवास्तविक):impossible

Synonyms: impractical, improbable

Antonyms: believable, practical

Example sentence:

I find this blueprint quite unrealistic.


6. WORSEN (VERB): (बदतर करना): deteriorate

Synonyms: get worse, exacerbate

Antonyms: improve, soothe

Example sentence:

This policy could actually worsen the economy.


7. CONCURRENTLY (ADVERB): (समानान्तर रूप से): simultaneously

Synonyms: all at once, all together

Antonyms: imbalanced, upset

Example sentence:

He is eating and dancing concurrently.

8. PUSH (VERB): (बढ़ाना): advance

Synonyms: boost, hype

Antonyms: repress, dissuade

Example sentence:

The manager pushed the production.

9. CRISIS (NOUN): (संकट): catastrophe

Synonyms: disaster, trouble

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example sentence:

He helped me in the times of crisis.


10. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): decline

Synonyms: depreciation, downtrend

Antonyms: ascent, rise

Example sentence:

This year, we saw a slump in profits.

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Namaskar dosto mme apka dost vijay singh ek fir bahut helpfull post likh raha hu aur ummeed karta hun apke liye ye post bahut hi helpfull rahegi. Baise me apko bata du mene bahut se bade-bade bloggers ke blog padhe hai. To mene bhi 2016 me apna ek chhota sa blog create kiya www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com jise aap logo ka bahut sara pyar mil raha hai.dosto me jo bhi apne bade bhai jaise blogger- amit kumar jinki website www.allhindimehelp.com hai, kamal khan jinki website www.desimesikho.com & www.kamalgrd.com hai aur ek aur blogger he unse bhi mujhe bahut kuchh seekhane ko mila jinka name hai jumedeen khan jinki website www.supportmeindia.com hai. Aur aaj me ek baar fir in sabhi ashirwad se me ye post apki sewa me bhej raha hu ummed karta hu aap is post ko bhi bahut sara pyar denge. To chaliye shuru karte hai apne aaj ke topik ki taraf. Dosto aaj me apko marquee code kare me bataunga. Jo shayad har blogger use karna chahata hai. Isliye apse request he ap is post ko poora read kare tabhi aap kuchh seekh payenge.

Marquee text/code aur image kya hai?

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Dosto apne bahut sari government website aur company ki website dekhi hongi jinme hamako bahut se effects dekhane ko milte hai. Jaise move karte huye text or image jo kabhi ek line chalate rahate hai aur kabhi aage-peeche bhi chalte hai aur Kabhi oopar se neeche ki taraf bhi chalte hai.  Jinme koi hight light news chalti rahati hai ya koi bhi text jo visiters ke welcome liye aisa effect laga diya jata hai. mere jaise new blogger bhi chahate hai ki unki bhi website ya blog me aisa effect aa jaye to maza aa jaye to dosto aap sahi blog par aaye hai jo apki isi problem ko laker ye post likh raha hu.

Marquee text or image effect ka ek blogger ke liye kya use hota hai ?

Ek new blogger apne blog ye website jo chahe kisi bhi plateform par ho usme marquee text ya image ko kahi bhi laga kar jo header, sidebar ya footer kahi bhi laga sakte hai. Is marquee text ke ke kya fayade he vo me apko yaha bata raha hu. Dosto apne bahut se website dekhi hogi jinme ham dekhate ki unme koi image ya text ya message hilta ya move karta dikhayi deta hai jo kisi websie me oopar se neeche ya age- pichhe hota rahata hai.jo dekhane me bhi kafi beautiful lagata hai. Jisme aap apna koi bhi topic ya message type kar sakte hai.ab sawal ye aata hai ki aap ko marquee text/image apko kahan se milenge to aap koi bhi tension na lo me apko is post me hi kuchh code provide kara dunga aur us website ki link bhi de dunga. Jaha se aap asani se free me copy karke use apne topic ke hisab se edit karke apni website me laga sakte hai. Bas aap post ko poora padhate raho.Jisse apki website me ek naya look ayega. Aur visiters ko apki website par baar baar aana achchha lagega. Kyonki ye baat sabhi jante jab tak apki ya meri website ka desin achchha nahi hoga to reader bhi us website par kam jate hai. Isse pahale me bhi yahi sochata tha ki ye java/html ki help se kiya jata hoga lakin me ek din youtube se is marquee text/image ke bare me suna to mene iske bare me poore 1 month ke baad is post ko likh raha hun.  ab me samajhata hu apki ye to samajh gaye honge ki marquee text/image kya hota hai. Ab me apko marquee text code html edit kane ke bare me use edit karne ka bare batata hu.

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Alternate marquee behavior effect kya hai

Ab Alternat marquee behavior effect ke bare me thoda sa bata dete hai . Alternat marquee behavior effect se ham apne text ya image ya koi link ko aisi direction dete hai jisse vo text ya image ek nishchit didha me move karti hai. Matalab hamara text right se left ko jaata hai or fir left corner par touch karke vapis right side ko chalne lagta hai agar aap is code ko apni site par lagana chahte hai to apko “www.onlyhondigk.blogspot.com” ke jaghe apna text type karna hai aur uske baad aap jaha chahe apne blog par is code ko copy karke paste kar sakte hai.

1.    <marquee behavior=”alternate“>www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com</marquee>

Right marquee direction effect.

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Right marquee direction effect me hamara text left se right ko run karta hua dikhaye  deta hai agar ap is code ko apni site par lagana chahte hai to apko “online knowledge in hindi” ke jaghe apna text type karna hai or fir ap jaha chahe apne blog par ise copy karke paste kar sakte hai.

<marquee direction=”right”> www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com </marquee>

marquee in html w3schools

2.    Reoccurring marquee effect.

Reoccurring marquee effect ek aisa marquee effect hai jisme hamara text alag-alag position me show hota hai or fir hide ho jata hai right side me aate he left ko chalne lagta hai agar ap is code ko apni site par lagana chahte hai to apko "onlyhindigk” ke jaghe apna text type karna hai or fir ap jaha chahe apne blog par ise copy karke paste kar sakte hai.

3.    <marquee behavior=”alternate”><marquee width=”200″> www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com</marquee></marquee>
Basic marquee effect.
Jaise ke eske name se he pata chalta hai ye ek samanya marquee effect hai ye effect aapko bahut se websites ya blog par dekhne ko mil jayega es effect hum hamara text right se left ko run karta hua dikhaye deta hai agar ap is code ko apni site par lagana chahte hai to apko “onlyhindigk” ke jaghe apna text type karna hai or fir ap jaha chahe apne blog par ise copy karke paste kar sakte hai.
4.    <marquee>online www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com </marquee>

Up marquee direction effect.

Is maequee effect ki help se hamara koi text oopar ki taraf sarkta dikhayi deta hai . jyada tar sarkari websites me isi code ko use kiya jata hai. Yadi aap is code ko apne blog par lagana chahate hai to apko hamari website ke url ya title ki jagahwww.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com”  apna text type karke lagana hai. Uske baad aap kahi bhi aap copy karke laga sakte  hai. <marquee direction=”up”> www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com</marquee>

Down marquee direction.

Is code se hamara koi bhi text oopar se neeche ki or ata dikhayi deta hai.agar aap is code ko use karna chahate hai to apko isme bhi same edite karna hai aur hamare blog ke url ki jagah aap apna koi bhi text dal sakte hai “onlyhindigk”  uske baad aap jaha chahe apni website me copy karke paste kar de.

<marquee direction=”down”> www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com</marquee>

5.    Fast scrollamount maquee effect.

is code se hamara text right side se left side ki or chalata dikhayi deta hai.aur ha iski speed thodi jyada hiti hai isliye aap is code me jo speed code 20 diya hai  ya fir aap hamare 6 number ke marquee code ko use kar sakte hai jo slow motion me run hota hai.use aap apne hisab se rakh sakte hai. Agar aap ise use karna chahate hai to aap hamare url “www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com” ki sthan par apna text enter kar de  uske baad aap jahan chahe aap ise copy karke paste kar de me iski sakah apko only header ya footer me use karne ki salah dunga. Baki apki jaisi ichchha ho waha use kar sakte hai.

<marquee scrollamount=”20″> www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com</marquee>

6.    Scrolldelay marquee effect.

Is effect me me hamara koi bhi particular text thoda slow motion me right se left ki or move karta hai. Mera matalab isme hamara text ya koi message slow chalega ye thoda 5 number ke text se achchha he kyonki isme apke visiters apka text aasani se read kar payenge . ise use karna chahate hai to aap hamare text ki jagah par apna koi message type karke laganea hai. “onlyhindigk”  iske baad aap code ko copy karke apni website ki location ke hisab se copy karke paste kar de.

<marquee scrolldelay=”250″> www.onlyhindigk.blogspot.com</marquee>

7.    Alternate image marquee effect right to left side.
Is effect me ham kisi bhi image file ko right side se left side ki taraf move ya run karta hai uske baad left corner me jake wapish right side me jata hai .yadi aap is effect ko use karna chahate hai tois code me se jo image ka url hai use aap change karke code ko copy and paste karke kahi bhi use kar sakte hai. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihHEk9urK7ulU898tj4qZV0mgT30AqL0MDpw4JQ1tAU1iukU_3JESOzkYuhYcoXkAcX1trU7pWJv1iLu1luMXpDSs11uOczKwZ8MwOL2dsm1xhts52_ewPxwl9ilu3eA_T_SQkOLi-pbI/s1600/marquee+text+image.jpg is url ki jagah aap apna image ka url dale fir use kare..

8.    .marquee image behavior alternate direction up.
Is effect me hamari koi particular image neeche se ooper ki taraf run karti hai. Agar aap is code kase apne website me karna chahate hai to simply is yellow color me diye gaye image ke url ki jagah apna image ka url use kar sakte hai.
<marquee behavior=”alternate” direction=”up” scrollamount=”15″><marquee behavior=”alternate” direction=”right” scrollamount=”15″><img src=”https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihHEk9urK7ulU898tj4qZV0mgT30AqL0MDpw4JQ1tAU1iukU_3JESOzkYuhYcoXkAcX1trU7pWJv1iLu1luMXpDSs11uOczKwZ8MwOL2dsm1xhts52_ewPxwl9ilu3eA_T_SQkOLi-pbI/s1600/marquee+text+image.jpg” /></marquee></marquee></div>

9.    Down image behavior marquee effect.

Ye effect bhi jaust 8 number ke effect ka ulta hai matalab ye neeche se oopar ki taraf image run hoti hai. Ise bhi aap simple tarike se image ke url ko edit karke apani blog me kahi bhi use kar sakte hai. “https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihHEk9urK7ulU898tj4qZV0mgT30AqL0MDpw4JQ1tAU1iukU_3JESOzkYuhYcoXkAcX1trU7pWJv1iLu1luMXpDSs11uOczKwZ8MwOL2dsm1xhts52_ewPxwl9ilu3eA_T_SQkOLi-pbI/s1600/marquee+text+image.jpg”  aap bas is peele rang ke url ki jagah apna url use karna hai

 <marquee direction=”down”><img src=”https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihHEk9urK7ulU898tj4qZV0mgT30AqL0MDpw4JQ1tAU1iukU_3JESOzkYuhYcoXkAcX1trU7pWJv1iLu1luMXpDSs11uOczKwZ8MwOL2dsm1xhts52_ewPxwl9ilu3eA_T_SQkOLi-pbI/s1600/marquee+text+image.jpg” /></marquee>

10.  Simple and Basic marquee image effect.
Is code ki vajah se image left se right ki taraf move karti dikhayi deti hai ise bhi aap same oopar wale method se edit karke apne blog me kahi bhi use kar sakte hai.

<marquee”><img src=” https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihHEk9urK7ulU898tj4qZV0mgT30AqL0MDpw4JQ1tAU1iukU_3JESOzkYuhYcoXkAcX1trU7pWJv1iLu1luMXpDSs11uOczKwZ8MwOL2dsm1xhts52_ewPxwl9ilu3eA_T_SQkOLi-pbI/s1600/marquee+text+image.jpg” /></marquee>

ya fir aap is website par click karke bhi bahut sare marquee effect copy kakr usme thoda bahut edit kake use kar sakte hai

Dosto mene yaha par apko thodi marquee code ki chhoti si knowladge share ki hai apko ise padh kar kaisa laga ye aap hame comment karke jaroor bataye. Aur apko is post se thodi si bhi help mili hoto please ise share karna na bhoole apka chhota bhai VIJAY SINGH from agra uttar pradesh

Vocab 23 june

MELEE (NOUN): (लड़ाई-भिड़ाई): tumult

Synonyms: battle, fight

Antonyms: calm, harmony

Example Sentence:

In the Kumbh fair many pilgrims were injured in the melee.

2. UNFLAPPABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिर): calm

Synonyms: composed, relaxed

Antonyms: nervous, disconcerted

Example Sentence:

He is in unflappable state of mind.

3. VISTA (NOUN): (आलोक): glimpse

Synonyms: look, sight

Antonyms: blindness, darkness

Example Sentence:

Sweeping lawns and landscaped vistas were seen on the way.

4. GUSHING (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवाहपूर्ण): flowing

Synonyms: spouting, pouring out

Antonyms: stagnant, frozen

Example Sentence:

Abuses were gushing from his mouth like hell.


5. PERISH (VERB): (नष्ट हो जाना): decay

Synonyms: rot, expire

Antonyms: improve, rise

Example Sentence:

This chemical will eventually perish sometime today.


6. BANTER (NOUN): (छेड़ना): teasing

Synonyms: jeering, ridicule

Antonyms: flattery, praise

Example Sentence:

His t-shirt had some banter line written over it.

7. EXTENSIVELY (ADVERB): (बड़े पैमाने पर):widely

Synonyms: broadly, greatly

Antonyms: minutely, marginally

Example Sentence:

The demonetisation scheme benefitted the masses extensively.


8. COINCIDE (VERB): (मेल खाना): go along with

Synonyms: concur, harmonize

Antonyms: deviate, dissent

Example Sentence:

I can coincide with his idea.


9. UNSCATHED (ADJECTIVE): (अभेद्य): unhurt

Synonyms: unharmed, uninjured

Antonyms: hurt, injured

Example Sentence:

Some passengers came through all the perils unscathed.


10. ROUT (NOUN): (हराना): defeat

Synonyms: conquer, overthrow

Antonyms: win, victory

Example Sentence:

The retreat degenerated into a rout.

Vocab 22 june

. PERVERSION (NOUN): (विकृति): deformity

Synonyms: bias, distortion

Antonyms: clarity, unbias

Example sentence:

The thing which most disturbed him was the perversion of nature.

2. PROSECUTION (NOUN): (अभियोजन): lawsuit

Synonyms: lawsuit, legal action

Antonyms: disputation, centre

Example sentence:

Our company wishes to avoid prosecution.

3. BACKDROP (ADJECTIVE): (पृष्ठभूमि):background

Synonyms: scenery, scene

Antonyms: foreground, cohesion

Example sentence:

A logo of our company appears on this backdrop.

4. CONCORD (NOUN): (समझौता): general agreement

Synonyms: accord, consent

Antonyms: misunderstand, confuse

Example sentence:

They signed a pact of peace and Concord.

5. PHENOMENAL (ADJECTIVE): (असाधारण):exceptional

Synonyms: amazing, stunning

Antonyms: believable, common

Example sentence:

The town expanded at a phenomenal rate.

6. HUNCH (NOUN): (पूर्वाभाव): instinct

Synonyms: intuition, anticipation

Antonyms: reality, truth

Example sentence:

I have a hunch that someone is telling lies.

7. VOW (NOUN): (शपथ): oath

Synonyms: assertion, guarantee

Antonyms: doubt, confusion

Example sentence:

He took a vow to guard his country.

8. LOOK TO (VERB): (उपयोग): utilize

Synonyms: exercise, put to use

Antonyms: abstain, ignore

Example sentence:

He will look to the new idea.

9. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (पर्याप्त):essential

Synonyms: important, key

Antonyms: unimportant, inessential

Example sentence:

He is on a position of considerable influence.

10. COLLATION (NOUN): (परितुलन): analogy

Synonyms: correlation, reform

Antonyms: difference, dissimilarity

Example sentence:

It is equally necessary to ensure collation of conditions

Economic planning in India (भारत में आर्थिक नियोजन) II General Knowledge in Hindi

1.नीति आयोग किस प्रकार की संस्था हैं ?
Ans.  संविधानेत्तर                UPPCS 2015
2. आर्थिक नियोजन किस सूचि का विषय हैं ?
Ans.  समवर्ती सूचि का              BPSC 2005
3. 1944 में गाँधीवादी योजना को किसने प्रतिपादित किया था ?
Ans.  श्रीमन नारायण अग्रवाल ने       UPPCS, 2015
4. ग्यारहवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना की अवधि क्या हैं ?
Ans.  01-04-2007 से 31-03-2012              SSC, 2011
5. भारत में उच्चतम वृद्धि दर किस योजना में रही ?
Ans.  ग्यारहवीं योजना में             RAS/RTS 2013
6. किस पंचवर्षीय योजना की उच्च प्राथमिकता मुद्रास्फीति को नियंत्रण करने और आर्थिक स्थिति में स्थिरता लाने के लिए थी ?
Ans.  चौथी योजना                      CDS 2016
7. आठवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना की अवधि कब-से-कब तक थी ?
Ans.  1992 – 97                     UPPCS 1998
8. ‘गरीबी हटाओ’ का नारा कौन-सी योजना में शामिल किया गया था ?
Ans.   पांचवीं योजना                                SSC, 2015
9. किस पंचवर्षीय योजना के दौरान सरकार ने वह नीति बनायीं जिसने हरित क्रांति को जन्म दिया ?
Ans.  तृतीय योजना                               SSC, 2000
10. भारत में योजना आयोग का गठन कब हुआ ?
Ans.  मार्च 1950                                         BPSC, 2005
11. सामुदायिक विकास कार्यक्रम का प्रारम्भ किस वर्ष किया गया ?
Ans.  1952                                        SSC, 2013
12.  कौन-सी पंचवर्षीय योजना केवल चार वर्ष की थी ?
Ans.  पांचवीं                         SSC, 2014
13. दूसरी योजना की प्राथमिकता क्या थी ?
Ans.  भारी उधोग                 SSC, 2014
14. सातवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना की अवधि क्या थी ?
Ans.  1985 – 90                           IAS, 1997
15. उधोगो के विकास तथा औधोगीकरण की रणनीति किस योजना का अंग थी ?
Ans.  दूसरी योजना                      UPPCS 1991
16. किस पंचवर्षीय योजना में भारत की कृषि वृद्धि दर सर्वाधिक रही ?
Ans.  चौथी पंचवर्षीय योजना           CgPSC 2012
17. खादी एवं ग्रामीण उधोग आयोग की स्थापना किस पंचवर्षीय योजना के अंतर्गत की गई थी ?
Ans.  दूसरी       
18.  सातवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना का प्रारूप करने का श्रेय किसे जाता हैं ?
Ans.  रामकृष्ण हेगड़े
19. आत्मनिर्भरता किस योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य था ?
Ans.  सातवीं                                                   SSC, 2013
20. द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना का प्रारूप किसने तैयार किया था ?
Ans.  पी० सी० महालनोबिस                        BPSC 2005
21. पंचवर्षीय योजना को अनुमोदित करने वाली सर्वोच्च संस्था का नाम क्या हैं ?
Ans.  राष्ट्रिय विकास परिषद्                      IAS 2000, SSC 2007
22. द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना किस मॉडल पर आधारित थी ?
Ans.  महालनोबिस मॉडल पर                         UPPCS 2015, MPPSC 2015
23. वित्त आयोग का गठन कितने वर्ष की अवधि के लिए किया जाता हैं ?
Ans.  5 वर्ष                                        UPPCS 2010
24. बारहवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या हैं ?
Ans.  तीव्रतर, धारणीय एवं ज्यादा समावेशी विकास          UPSC 2014
25. केंद्र एवं राज्य के बीच वित्तीय विवादों के निपटारे हेतु मुख्य एजेंसी का नाम क्या हैं ?
Ans.  वित्त आयोग                              UPPCS 1995
26. बारहवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना की अवधि क्या हैं ?
Ans.  1-4-2012 से 31-3-2017               SSC 2015
27. किस पंचवर्षीय योजना के दौरान आपातकाल लगाया गया था, नए चुनाव हुए थे और जनता पार्टी चुनी गयी थी ?
Ans.  पांचवीं                                IAS 2009
28. आर्थिक आयोजन किस प्रकार के अर्थव्यवस्था का एक अनिवार्य अभिलक्षण हैं ?
Ans.  समाजवादी अर्थव्यवस्था का                     SSC 2012
29. राष्ट्रिय विकास परिषद् का गठन किस तिथि को हुआ था ?
Ans.  6 अगस्त, 1952                              UPPSC 2008
30. किस योजना काल में सर्वाधिक संवृद्धि दर प्राप्त की गई थी ?
Ans.  दसवीं योजना में                                       UPPCS 2009
31. राष्ट्रिय नियोजन में ‘रोलिंग प्लान’ की अवधारण किसके द्वारा लागू की गयी थी ?
Ans.  जनता सरकार द्वारा                         BPSC 2008
32. किस पंचवर्षीय योजना में ‘भारी उधोग’ को प्राथमिकता दी गई थी ?
Ans.  दूसरी                                                             SSC 2011
33. भारत में योजना अवकाश की अवधि क्या थी ?
Ans.   1966-69                                           BPSC 2008, 2010
34. 20 सूत्रीय आर्थिक कार्यक्रम प्रथम बार किस वर्ष प्रारंभ किया गया था ?
Ans.  1975 में                                                UPPCS 2009
35. ग्यारहवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना का उद्देश्य क्या था ?
Ans.  समाविष्ट आर्थिक वृद्धि                  BPSC 2008
36. किस पंचवर्षीय योजना के अंतर्गत समाज के समाजवादी ढांचे की स्थापना का संकल्प लिया गया था ?
Ans.  द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना                       MPPSC 2014
37. कौन-सी योजना अनावृष्टि और दो युद्धों के कारण प्रभावित हुई ?
Ans.  तीसरी पंचवर्षीय योजना                        SSC 2015
38. प्रथम वित्त आयोग के अध्यक्ष कौन थे ?
Ans.  के० सी० नियोगी
39. तृतीय पंचवर्षीय योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या था ?
Ans.  आत्म पोषित विकास
40. चौथी पंचवर्षीय योजना को क्या कहा जाता हैं ?
Ans.  गाडगिल योजना
41. अर्थव्यवस्था के विकास के लिए केन्द्रीयकृत नियोजन सर्वप्रथम कहाँ अपनाया गया था ?
Ans.  पूर्व सोवियत संघ
42. भारत में योजनावधि में कितनी बार योजनावकाश आया हैं ?
Ans.  3
43. राष्ट्रिय विकास परिषद् का अध्यक्ष कौन होता हैं ?
Ans.  प्रधानमंत्री
44. नीति आयोग का गठन किस वर्ष किया गया ?
Ans.  2015
45. नीति आयोग का प्रथम मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी किसे बनाया गया ?
Ans.  सिन्धु श्री खुल्लर
46. सर्वोदय योजना का प्रारूप किसने तैयार किया था ?
Ans.  जयप्रकाश नारायण
47. जन योजना का प्रारूप किसने तैयार किया था ?
Ans.  एम० एन० राय
48. भारत में आर्थिक नियोजन कब प्रारम्भ हुए ?
Ans.  1 अप्रैल, 1951
49. भारत में पंचवर्षीय योजना अंतिम रूप में किसके द्वारा अनुमोदित की जाती है ?
Ans.  राष्ट्रिय विकास परिषद्
50. राष्ट्रिय योजना समिति की रिपोर्ट कब प्रकाशित हुई ?
Ans.  1949